If you’re tired of running around like a chicken with your head cut off around recital time, this post probably won’t solve it completely... it’s recital time after all! BUT it can greatly reduce the amount of stress you feel and will definitely bring the running around down a few notches.
Finalize Costume Requirements
Being prepared with costume requirements allows dancers to be prepared. Setting requirements for jewellery, shoes, bodywear, and tights in advance gives dancers time to gather all of the items they need for their costumes so that they can have them ready for when they need them. Putting the requirements somewhere publicly visible increases the chance that people will see them and gives people easy access to reference the requirements if they need.
Stock Your Boutique
Having your in-studio boutique filled with products around recital time is a good business strategy since there will be more traffic in the studio and more opportunities to purchase. It also helps if any costume requirements are sold in the boutique since that’s guaranteed revenue for you, and a convenient place for parents and dancers to cross items off of their to-buy lists.
Feature Gift Items
Whether stocking gift items in your boutique or setting up a station at the event, having a place for parents and other audience members to purchase gifts for the dancers can both bring in profit and give dancers a memorable way to finish off their year and have something with which to remember it for years to come. Popular items include flowers, stuffed animals, and chocolates.
Hopefully this post gave you some ideas and strategies to reduce stress for your next recital season. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us and ask.